To help you determine whether TMS Therapy is right for you, consider the following 5 questions.

While TMS therapy has been utilized for other mental health conditions, it is Health Canada approved for Treatment-Resistant Depression and OCD. This means that it has the greatest body of evidence to support its use in the treatment of these conditions. TMS may also be considered for treatment of other conditions including: PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Chronic Pain conditions.

TMS is a fast and effective treatment. It is indicated when other conventional treatments have failed, only received a partial response or are intolerable. Unfortunately, TMS is not covered under OHIP insurance at this time for the general public. Therefore, prior to investing in the treatment, it is important to consider whether you have tried other conventional treatments including medications and psychotherapy.

Although TMS has a very low side effect profile, there are some conditions that are incompatible with TMS treatment. You would not be a candidate for TMS if you have any of the following:

  • History of Seizure Disorder
  • Cochlear implants or cardiac pacemakers
  • Non-removable ferrous metal in your head or eyes (eg. Aneurysm clips or coils, stents in the brain or neck). However, there is no problem with any dental fillings or braces. If you can have an MRI then you can get TMS.

A course of treatment typically requires between 30 to 36 sessions which requires a regular commitment to coming to the clinic.

Sessions are delivered once or twice daily (5 days per week for 3-6 weeks).

TMS should be covered by OHIP and/or private insurance policies like it is in the USA. Unfortunately, the reality is that this treatment has not been prioritized by the government and is not covered at this time.

Please contact our clinic for more information around pricing.


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